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Kids under 12 Competition Team Program

This program is accessible only after an Instructor Nomination to promote your child OR by audition.

Kids training at the Competition team level are expected to be above average in their dance skill development and demonstration of abilities.

Commitment needed through May 2026:
1. Attending 3 classes per week
Sun 4 pm Advanced Indian Folk Dance Technique (ages 12-14
or Mon 4pm Advanced Indian Folk Dance Technique (ages 8-12)
Fri 5:30-7 Jazz Technique
Fri 8pm Malhaar Choreography

2. Enrollment for whole competition session till May 2026.
You can disenroll in first 2 months, but after that disenrollment is not an option till competition season is over.

3. Competition fees per student ~$100-150 per competition- participation fees/ costumes, etc

Plan details